Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Aussenansicht 1
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Blick in die Natur
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Aussenansicht 2
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Aussenfassade
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Saal 2
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Tür offen
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Tür halbgeschlossen
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Tür geschlossen
Philipp Architekten Objektbau ETG Aussen Nachtstimmung

Church Community Centre ETG

The generous new Community Centre of the protestant “Täufergemeinde Wüstenrot-Neuhütten” is located in the romantic outskirts of the Swabian Forest, Southern Germany.

The existing building had started to show its age, became too small and no longer met the needs of the Free Church. The community wanted spacious rooms that meet the requirements of a modern community life. A building with an atmosphere of promoting communication and the chance to eat and to celebrate together were high on the wish list.

In this way the multi-functional building developed, covering a total area of approximately 1,700 m². In addition to the generous areas for worship and confraternity it offers a variety of retreats for the different groups. The entire building is characterized by two structures, with an inviting foyer located at their point of intersection. The main building offers curved inside and outside wood-paneled walls and creates a very warm atmosphere. Thus, it is not surprising that the Community Hall, associated with a hulk and holding up to 400 people was soon known under the name of The Ark.

space program: foyer 300 m², worship hall 350 m², worship gallery 60 m², ballroom 275 m², parent / child 50 m², group rooms 150 m², youth rooms 280 m², library / bookstore 50 m², kitchen 70 m², other 160 m²